When the time comes to pay at a participating merchant, simply present your digital card on your phone and your bill will be discounted on the spot. Offers range between 10-40% and often include alcohol, so your savings potential is huge. Savings are usually off the total purchase and there are no annoying restrictions or blackout dates. Plus, some attractions and tours include promotion codes found only inside the app, so you can book in advance and save from the comfort of home.



  • - Download the app
  • - Activate using your personal PIN
  • - Just show your phone and save
  • - No more piddly coupons or paper cards

Save 10 - 50%

  • - Off your total bill
  • - No annoying restrictions
  • - Prebook tours and activities with
    promo codes in the app


  • - 4 people can use together
  • - Perfect for the family
  • - And for groups
  • - Makes a great gift


  • - From date of activation
  • - Just show your phone and save
  • - Download today, start using today
  • - Great for longer stays and locals too
How it's different Get Card Now

We’ve gone mobile

After 10 years being a physical card, Eat and Play Card has recently gone exclusively digital. Unlike printed programs with quickly outdated contents, your digital card is always up to date with the most recent detailed merchant information. The app has excellent mapping functionality providing turn-by-turn directions, let’s you search by Category (Eat, Play, Shop), within maps, and best of all, when you need to find something fast and convenient, just press “Near Me” and you’ll see everything that’s close by. And being on your phone, Eat and Play Card is always right there when you need it, never forgotten in the car, at the hotel, or at home.

Valid for 10 days, 6 months, or 12 months

The days of Eat and Play Card only being valid for 30 days are over. The new digital Eat and Play Card is valid for 6 months from activation, but also has options for 10 days and even up to ONE FULL YEAR, and can be used as often as you want, even at the same restaurant every day. Whether you’re on holiday, make frequent visits, or are a local resident, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to explore and save with your Eat and Play Card.